
How To Get Rid Of Antlions

Sectional to: Don't Starve Together icon.pngDon't Starve Together.

Wigfrid Portrait.png

The Antlion is a Mob exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in A New Reign. It appears in the Desert biome during Summer Season. The players must appease it from time to time, otherwise, it becomes violent, creating sinkholes on the surface and causing cavern-ins inside caves. If the actor feeds it a stage 1, 4 or 5 Thermal Stone, the Antlion will go enraged and become a semi-dominate battle.


  • 1 Behavior
  • 2 Mechanics
    • two.1 Sinkholes
    • two.2 Cavern-ins
    • two.3 Tributes and Rage
    • ii.four Rewards
  • 3 Tips
    • three.1 Fighting
    • three.2 Offer
  • iv Trivia
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Sounds

Brain.png Behavior [ ]

Similarly to the Squealer King, the Antlion likewise gives presents to players in return for Trinkets. It will give Desert Stones when given near Trinkets and Eggs. If provided a Beach Toy Trinket, the Antlion will give the players the Blueprint required to craft The Lazy Deserter. Equally long every bit information technology is given Trinkets, Rocks or Eggs from fourth dimension to fourth dimension, it will not go enraged and not cause Sinkholes and Cavern-ins.

When given a phase one, 4 or 5 Thermal Stone, the Antlion will either freeze or smolder, and then go enraged at the player. The Antlion will then attempt to trap the player within Sand Castles (not to be confused with Sand Castles featured in the Shipwrecked DLC), and then repeatedly slam into the basis, causing Sand Spikes to jut out of the basis, dealing either 50, 75, or 100 damage on hit, depending on the size of the Sand Fasten. Mobs take double damage. Any structures placed/congenital that are striking by Sand Castles or Sand Spikes will be destroyed. The Sand Castles and Sand Spikes can plough into Glass Castles and Glass Spikes when set on fire.

During rain, the Antlion will temporarily couch itself underground, disabling players from interacting with it.

In combat, the Antlion can heal. The Antlion heals by 200 Health Meter.png each fourth dimension it eats rocks. The healing tin be interrupted by attacking the Antlion.

If killed, the Antlion drops iv Meat, 6–8 Desert Stones, a Lazy Deserter Pattern, 2–four Rocks and varying amounts of Trinkets.

Beneath is the number of hits information technology takes with each weapon to impale a Antlion when playing with characters with a default damage modifier. The Weather Pain is non included due to the random nature of its projectile.

Number of Hits
Item Antlion.png
Old Bell.png Reign of Giants icon.png half dozen 0 0
Obsidian Coconade.png Shipwrecked icon.png xviii 0 0
Coconade.png Shipwrecked icon.png Hamlet icon.png 24 0 0
Spear Gun Obsidian.png Shipwrecked icon.png 30 - xl Charged.png 0 - 0 Charged.png 0 - 0 Charged.png
30 0 0
Bee Mine.png ≥38 ≥0 ≥0
Spear Gun Battle.png Shipwrecked icon.png 38 as Wigfrid Portrait.png 0 as Wigfrid Portrait.png 0 as Wigfrid Portrait.png
Spear Gun Spear.png Spear Gun Poison.png Shipwrecked icon.png 59 0 0
Obsidian Spear.png Shipwrecked icon.png 59 - 118 0 - 0 0 - 0
Blow Dart.png 60 0 0
Electric Dart.png Don't Starve Together icon.png 67 (40 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png)
Dark Sword.png
Glass Cutter.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
89 0 0
Cutlass Supreme.png Shipwrecked icon.png Hamlet icon.png 89 0 0
Tooth Trap.png 100 0 0
Pew-matic Horn.png Hamlet icon.png 177, 134 or 100 0, 0 or 0 0, 0 or 0
Thulecite Club.png 101 0 0
Ham Bat.png 101 - 202 0 - 0 0 - 0
Obsidian Axe.png Shipwrecked icon.png 111 - 221 - Charged.png 0 - 0 - Charged.png 0 - 0 - Charged.png
Tentacle Spike.png

Cursed Rounds.png Marbles.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

118 0 0
Slurtle Slime.png 120 0 0
Halberd.png Hamlet icon.png 136 0 0
Morning Star.png Reign of Giants icon.png 139 (84 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png) 0 (0 Wettargetdamage.png)
Bat Bat.png
Battle Spear.png Reign of Giants icon.png
142 0 0
Bramble Trap.png Don't Starve Together icon.png 150 0 0

Moon Glass Axe.png Gold Rounds.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

177 0 0
Trident.png Shipwrecked icon.png 177 (59 Toy Boat.png) 0 (0 Toy Boat.png) 0 (0 Toy Boat.png)
PickSlashAxe.png 197 0 0
Machete.png Shipwrecked icon.png Hamlet icon.png 201 0 0
Boomerang.png Axe.png Pickaxe.png Brush.png

Tail o' Three Cats.png Malbatross Bill.png Bull Kelp Stalk.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

221 0 0
Stalking Stick.png Hamlet icon.png 295 0 0
Eyeshot.png Shipwrecked icon.png 300 0 0
Saddlehorn.png Hammer.png Pitchfork.png Shovel.png Walking Cane.png Willow's Lighter.png Torch.png

Whirly Fan.png Driftwood Oar.png Oar.png Slow-Down Rounds.png Pebbles.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

353 0 0
Lucy the Axe.png 442 0 0
Bug Net.png Fishing Rod.png
1412 0 0

Gears.png Mechanics [ ]

Sinkholes [ ]

For Sinkholes leading to the Caves globe, run across Sinkhole.

Wendy Portrait.png

" The ground crumbles beneath me. "

–Wendy, when announcing a sinkhole.

Sinkholes are craters that are created by the Antlion during summertime when displeased. When they are created, they damage players and destroy Structures where they class. Once formed, new structures cannot be congenital on them and they'll irksome downward all players walking on them. Sinkholes cannot be removed past the role player and will only begin to self-repair after 21-22 days since they were formed, taking ix-eleven more days to fully repair. Players can prevent them from appearing by contributing items to the Antlion (listed below).

Characters also say different quotes depending on how long before the sinkholes happen.

Cavern-ins [ ]

Waxwell Portrait.png

" The ceiling is going to collapse! "

–Maxwell, when announcing a cavern-in.

Cave-ins, similar to Sinkholes, happen in the Caves when the Antlion is displeased. Big boulders will driblet on locations close to the players inside caves, dissentious them if striking, destroying whatsoever Structures nearby and potentially blocking the style. Like Sinkholes, they tin can exist prevented if the players occasionally requite items to the Antlion. The boulders that drop on Cave-ins can be carried, much like Suspicious Marble, and tin even be brought outside the caves. They tin likewise exist mined for rocks using a Pickaxe.

Tributes and Rage [ ]

When the Antlion get-go spawns in Summer, players have about iv days to pay tribute earlier information technology becomes enraged. When the timer is up, there will be 3 warnings to allow the players know that Sinkholes or Cavern-ins will get-go to spawn soon. Up to two players tin can be targeted by the Antlion in a single attack with betwixt 2-5 sinkholes if on the surface or 6-10 boulders if in the Caves spawning around each of them. When the assault is complete, the Antlion'due south rage timer is reset. Though it'south not articulate when the Antlion will attack the next time.

Players can either contribute Rocks, Trinkets, or Eggs to the Antlion and it will have away a fleck of its rage. Each item delays the Antlion's rage as shown below.




Rocks.png Egg.png Second-hand Dentures.png Bent Spork.png Air Unfreshener.png Leaky Teacup.png Shoe Horn.png Collected Dust.png


Melty Marbles.png Gord's Knot.png Tiny Rocketship.png Ball and Cup.png Frayed Yarn.png Wire Hanger.png White Bishop.png Black Bishop.png White Rook.png Black Rook.png White Knight.png Black Knight.png Gnome.png Gnomette.png Frazzled Wires.png Lying Robot.png Beaten Beater.png Fake Kazoo.png Toy Trojan Horse.png Unbalanced Top.png


Cut Stone.png Mismatched Buttons.png Back Scratcher.png Hardened Rubber Bung.png Dessicated Tentacle.png Lucky Cat Jar.png Potato Cup.png


Beach Toy.png


Thermal Stone.png Thermal Stone Stage 3.png

For case, if 1 gives the Antlion a Hardened Prophylactic Hurl, it would delay its attacks for a whole day. I should keep in mind that its rage timer cannot exceed 6 days, so players may demand to contribute a hefty corporeality of items to it at to the lowest degree twice throughout Summertime in order to never be attacked.

Rewards [ ]

When the Antlion is given anything other than Rocks, Cutting Stone, or Thermal Stone, information technology will give a Desert Stone. If it is given a Beach Toy, it will requite a pattern for The Lazy Deserter but no Desert Stone.

Prototype.png Tips [ ]

Fighting [ ]

  • When fighting the Antlion, i should motility in a circumvolve within the castles, avoiding Sand Spikes. It tin can be kited.
  • Always wait near the player's feet. Sand Spikes testify a sand circle before shooting up.
  • Endeavour to become a good amount of Desert Stones earlier killing the Antlion, as they volition not be obtainable until the post-obit summertime.
  • Since it is unable to directly attack the thespian and cannot move, the Antlion is specially vulnerable to large stacks of Gunpowder.
  • Avoid being pushed out of the Sandcastle-Circle. Antlion will heal for 400 HP/southward if no player is within the circle.

Offering [ ]

  • It is really more efficient to give the Antlion 10 rocks instead of using them to craft a Thermal Stone. 10 rocks delay the rage timer past 3.3 days, while a Thermal Stone (stages 2 and 3) merely delays the rage timer by ii.98 days, plus costing two Twigs and 5 Flintstone to craft.
  • The Frog Rain and Moose/Goose in Jump volition leave aplenty amounts of Meat to the player. These meats can be converted into Eggs to offer to the Antlion in Summer.

Placeholder.png Trivia [ ]

  • The Antlion was introduced in the Against the Grain update every bit a trader, while the ability to fight it was added in the Center of the Ruins update.
  • The Antlion's name is a pun on its advent (Emmet + Lion) and the wing-similar insect, the Antlion.
  • Wickerbottom and Maxwell'due south quote for the Desert Stone suggests that the Antlion might have come into contact with gems before, since its bezoars are impure Orange Gems.
  • Maxwell's quote for the Antlion is a pun on the discussion pride, referencing the fact that a group of lions is called a pride.
  • According to Wickerbottom, its scientific proper noun is "Panthera auropunctata". This alludes to the combination of the scientific names of the two animals that make the Antlion; the genus of the lion "Panthera leo" and the specific epithet of the picayune fire ant "Wasmannia auropunctata".
  • When the Antlion was beginning released, several characters referred to information technology as a female. These examination quotes were after changed to a gender-neutral "it".
  • There'due south a value in the code that shows that the sinkholes could be repairable, just currently do not take any tool assigned to exist able to fix them.
  • The Antlion never spawns in the same desert with a Dragonfly Ready Slice.
  • If Antlion is spawned using the Console in whatsoever Season other than Summer, it will disappear after being spawned.

Blueprint.png Gallery [ ]

Gramophone.png Sounds [ ]

The Antlion'due south boxing theme.


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